my upcoming series is about something that most educators consider, but often don’t discuss with one another. that is: our hidden desire to be our students’ favorite teacher.
the teacher children chase down and ask after eagerly. i’ve been this sort of teacher.
it isn’t always sustainable.
as teachers, we are thrown so many gimmicks, so many suggestions, so many rigid guidelines—it can all be overwhelming. we are led to believe that if only we did THIS, or just tried THAT, or did THIS like THAT—then our classrooms would be higher achieving, more organized, or blah blah blah. so how is this series any different? this list is mostly conceptual. that means the ideas i propose are based in heart-work, not hand-work. ‘cause having a favorite teacher is like having a favorite neighbor or having a favorite auntie (or uncle—there, i said it). a favorite, is someone who is TRYING. you musn’t go crazy adapting a bunch of new classroom routines. instead, actively strive to be a better servant. teachers are community servants. its just about the most honorable designation one can be trusted with.
its worth mentioning that sometimes you won’t be the favorite teacher, but you will be the teacher your students NEED. cheers to every teacher that answers this calling. x